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What's In A Name?

What’s in a name? Everything! When we give a name to a person, pet, place, feeling, experience, we give initial definition and energy to whatever it is we name. For instance, in naming my daughters I considered names that would be versatile and traditional. When naming our golden retriever, I considered names that would denote spirit and gentleness. When living away from our beloved Northshore, I realized we were on an “Odyssey” and that word enriched our entire experience. When we go to the ocean, I call that time our “beach sanctuary” which implies relaxation and release. By naming this blog Joyful Moments, I hope readers know they will be reading content that gives a snippet of moments with joy. The name is literal. And yet the name was inspired by a habit I formed at work years ago. For many years, I have told colleagues “what a joyful moment” to share a moment in the day with complete purpose. A moment wherein the mission or intention was not just experienced, but felt. At some point, I realized this might have a positive impact and hoped to spread joy. There are times that joyful moments have been with a child. Times with a program. Times with a colleague. A recent joyful moment was during a meeting with a colleague that has similar wellbeing goals for 2023. We agreed that we’d workout during our meeting, and while the sight of each other’s weights and bands over Zoom was very funny, we supported each other’s personal and professional goals at the same time. It was a joyful moment and highlight of our week. What I’ve learned in sharing joyful moments is that most people need them! All have appreciated the email or comment as a reminder that good things are happening. Purpose is being met. You might hear back that your joyful moment made someone’s day. After all, isn’t that why we invest our time, our selves, and efforts into work? To contribute to a greater experience and uplift each other’s lives? Go ahead and share your joyful moments! I guarantee that when you do, you will spread joy and prompt others to be on the lookout for joyful moments in their own day! Perhaps they will even share them too!

Here's to MORE joyful moment, Emilie

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