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Silly Social Media

I resisted joining any social media for years, committed to an attitude that it was a distraction and waste of time. I vowed to spend my time "in the present", not looking for past people, and sure that anyone meant to be in our lives had stayed in them. Boy, was I wrong.

Eventually, my attitude about social media thawed and I took the plunge to join one site at a time. With each step, I realized the value of how critical social media is to staying relevant.

What I didn't expect was the joy and love that would come from social media. Links to people that were distant, threading a tapestry of friends to replace holiday card nostalgia. Connections that made me smile, laugh, or say "they totally get it". Social media hosts lots of joyful moments from acts of kindness to milestone celebrations, adorable animal stories, exercise tips, jokes, dances, natural beauty, and virtual events. And can bring important things closer. Its a way to grow, laugh, care, and connect.

Here's to MORE joyful moments, Emilie!


Go ahead and tap into something fun, light, endearing, or just connect on social media. One of our favorite sites on Instagram is @newenglandphotography


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