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"Be The Ocean"

Have you ever heard a song, found a poem, book, or piece of art that speaks directly to your heart and soul? I have many times, and that’s why I love the arts!

This winter, I stumbled upon the poem "Be The Ocean" and found home. It captures exactly why the beach is a sanctuary, a cleanse, and always home to my heart. The beach and ocean are timeless, and show us how to be fluid, celebrate imperfection, small treasures, and cherish moments.

Here’s to MORE joyful moments, Emilie


“Be the ocean. Be ever changing but always the same. Be simple and transparent with an entire world deep down inside full of odd and interesting creatures. Be calm, be still, but let yourself get wild and lost in a storm from time to time. Have many homes, on many shores, and be slightly different at every one. Let people in, let them feel free and surround them with every bit of your being – asking for nothing in return. Take in sharp rocks and all the broken glass and return them back as beautiful treasures. Be routine but never predictable, and be so loved that people spend their days sitting by your side. Be free and vast, and be deep and powerful, all the while being completely moved by something greater than yourself.”

"Be The Ocean" is a poem by shop co-owner Michael F. DuBois.


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