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Meet Emilie

Certified Workplace Wellness Specialist, CWWS
Certified Health Coach
Certified Life Coach

Emilie founded fulfill MORE to help organizations and clients

optimize daily life. She believes that intentional lifestyle should

be a top shared priority for wellbeing and happiness. 


As a Certified Workplace Wellness Specialist, Health & Life Coach, and Wellness Consultant, Emilie brings specialization in motivation, habit change, research & strategic development, applied behavior analysis, and program management to create custom individual and workplace wellbeing programs.


Emilie is a holistic professional with over 25 years of experience in business strategy, education, engagement, and behavioral health. Her background includes 17 years of research & development, program management, strategic planning, grant writing, publishing, mentoring, and corporate training. She has dedicated over 15 years to field work with all ages. 

Emilie is a graduate of Lesley College with a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education and Masters equivalent in Creative Arts in Learning Assessment. She is a member of the National Wellness Institute, Worksite Wellness Council of MA, Health Coach Institute, and accredited by the International Coach Federation (CCE). Emilie is an affiliate with numerous wellness, resiliency, and behavior based organizations to partner for resources, research, and collaborative programming.

Emilie lives on the Northshore of Massachusetts, adores her daughters and close knit family, celebrates nature, retreats to the beach, and strives
daily to fulfill MORE.

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